Friday, March 19, 2010

Crazy days...

We somehow manage to keep ourselves busy & as much as we try to live a quiet 'drama free' life... things seem to find us & 'spice up' our lives. I'm not sure I can handle much more 'spice'!
Rick began CNA classes in February & during his second night of class he was pulled out by the police, taken to the police station & questioned on suspicion of 'homeland terrorism'. I had no idea what was going on until the police showed up at our door wanting to search our home & property for assault weapons. It was scary & stressful & TOTALLY ridiculous- but of course they found NOTHING because there was NOTHING to find. After the police showed me the picture of the man they were looking for- who was skinny with dark hair like Rick but that is it- I knew Rick would be home soon & I was able to breathe a little easier. The police went through everything, read our journals, teased me about all of our food storage & confiscated our computer to search it. Rick didn't get home until after midnight that night.
The kids handled it well & just kept playing in the back bedroom. Except for Gabriel- he came out to check on me & find out what the problem was. He came out & asked- 'Are these cops?' I said 'Yes they are cops.' Gabe looked at me suspiciously & asked ' are they going to corner us?' I giggled & told him they were not going to corner us- I said that they were 'helping' cops. I don't think he believed me because he repeated 'helping cops' as he walked away looking at them sceptically while they continued searching our home. A few minutes later I looked down the hallway & Gabriel was laying on the floor- hanging out his bedroom door with the top half of his body laying out into the hallway, dressed in his Spiderman costume with his Spiderman mask on... SHOOTING HIS DART GUN AT THE POLICE! Luckily the officers were good natured & joked about being in Gabriels 'territory.' I didn't find it very funny at the time but once the police left & Rick was home safely we had a REALLY GOOD laugh about it... & have had quite a few since.
We felt so violated & I was so stressed out that we decided to try to get away from things a little. So when the kids got home from school the next day we packed them up & took off for the weekend- we didn't go too far away just in case we had 'pregnancy issues.' The kids LOVED having a suite with their own room & TV- Sarah claimed the pull out couch & TV in the front room. We hung out & watched TV the first night- just unwinding. The next day the kids played in the pool forever. Then we went to the Mall where Gabe & Rick played in the play land & rode the carousel while I took Ammon & the girls shopping. We hit some AWESOME sales- which Sarah & I were thrilled about because her wardrobe was getting pretty sparse. The kids all jumped & flipped on this bungee/trampoline thingy & thought we were the coolest parents ever. We had dinner at a really yummy & well priced steak house & the kids were in heaven because they all got a free dessert. Rick & I liked the FREE dessert part also. The next day the kids spent the entire day in the pool- except Gabriel who wore out quickly & came up to the room with me to watch cartoons & take a nap. Other than the battery in our car totally dying, having to buy a new one & Rick having to replace it in the hotel parking lot... it was lovely to have a break & turned out to be just what our little family needed.
Since then our computer was returned with a 'we didn't find anything' and an 'apology for the inconvenience'. I had my 33rd Birthday & Rick has returned to CNA class- scoring a 97% on his first test! The girls are enjoying school. Sarah has just completed her first week of Track & she is LOVING IT! Rachel & Gabriel are doing Karate 2 nights a week & have a board breaking contest & a tournament coming up. They really enjoy Karate- especially 'FIGHT NIGHT' as they call it. It's where all of the kids put on protective gear & spar with one another. The Instructors are right there on the floor giving advice, counsel & directions... but the kids pretty much just go at it. They LOVE it! Ammon still isn't interested in crawling- but he has 4 teeth now & likes feeding himself 'real people food'- as Gabriel calls it. He has all of a sudden become a 'daddys boy' & I am NOT IMPRESSED. Rick is loving it... I will admit that it is pretty cute the way Ammon lights up & reaches for him whenever he walks into the room. I have droned on for long enough. Pregnancy has had some bumps here & there but we are doing well, moving right along & are really looking forward to having everyone in our little family here.

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