Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Our Story!

Richard and I were married on August 22, 2008 in the Nauvoo, Illinois temple. We have been going to the same church since August of 2006 when the kids and I moved to Cameron but we didn't get to know one another or say more than a few words to one another until summer of this year. I noticed Rick my very first Sunday at church, but I thought he looked a little 'rough around the edges' and awfully young so I kept my distance. I wasn't really interested in men at that point anyway. BLECH! I just kind of watched from a distance for a few years. I figured there had to be more to him than 'being rough around the edges' and 'young' after watching the way he supported and cared for his Grandmother, helping her in and out of her chair, the car and the church building. Richard noticed me right away but didn't start really thinking about me until he sat at the end of the same row that the kids and I were on one Sunday this past Spring. Gabriel was being fidgety so I got up to take him out into the foyer. Rick was at the end of the row and I was going to have to step over him to get out- I figured he would slide his feet to the side like everyone else does to let me pass. He didn't- he stood up, moved my bag out of the way and went to hold the door open for me. He strolled a bit in the hallway and then held the door open for me and Gabriel as we came back in. He barely even looked at me when I quietly thanked him. That was the Sunday we both started watching one another- while trying NOT to look like we were watching one another. A few Sundays later he came to church shaved, with a haircut and in a suit! I could not help myslef and told him as I passed him in the hallway that he looked handsome- 'That was a much better look' , I told him. I thought that he looked at me like he had no idea why this 'old lady' was talking to him. He thought I was flirting with him and had no idea what to say or do- he was worked up at the thought that he had 'blown his chance' for weeks. He decided that he was going to find a way to get to know me. Luckily his sister, Tiffany, is one of my sweetest and dearest friends and it just so happened that she needed a ride home from my house one night. Her husband, Weston, and Rick were working together and came to pick her up- they were at my house talking until 2am. Rick wasted no time and asked me out the minute he found out that I was looking forward to the release of the movie 'The Dark Knight'. He teases that he was in love with me from that moment on. It took me a little while longer to come around.. and thank goodness I did because I have never been so happy! Rick loves having an immediate family- even with all of the stresses and adjustments that can bring. We have lots of fun together and as a family, we are so blessed to have the kids to help us figure everything out. And they do! :)

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