Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I am so excited that you are 3 years old today! I love having you for a son- I love all of the 'boy' things that you do... even when you pretend to burp. I love that you want to wrestle and fight with swords and shoot blocks with your NERF gun. I love that you manage to get absolutely filthy every time that we go outside. I love that you race around after your sisters and think that they are your own personal entertainment committee. I love that you are grumpy and that you throw HUGE fits when you do not immediately get your way. I love that you say 'please' and 'thank you' all of the time on your own and that you so easily share what you have or what you are playing with. I love that you are a happy little guy and that you are so excited just to have someone sing with or read a book to you. I love that you drag around your 'blankie' and can not stand it if we go somewhere without it. I love that you want to say prayers 'all by mysef' and that you always pray for the food and your sisters.I love that you always have hugs and kisses for us and that you will let me snuggle with you when you are tired. I love that you are always saying funny things and making us laugh! You are 'MY BABY GABE' and I love you so very much!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!


The Jatens said...

I can't believe he's 3! Times flies. He is so cute. I enjoy "peeking in" on you and your family.

Selissa said...

Happy Birthday Gabe!! Yay!!

You look good Kathryn!

The Wes Gordon Family said...

Oh, what about his adorable "Say bubble gum" comments? You have to share that!

He is amazing and fun!