Sunday, January 24, 2010

Getting so big...

I wanted to take a minute and put on some recent pictures of the kids. I keep getting comments on how 'grown up' they are looking, 'how their look is changing' or how fast they are growing. I think it is happening WAY too fast- I swear Sarah was just a fat, happy baby in my arms yesterday. I miss my little babies. I am enjoying the little people that they are and don't want them to change. I am so grateful for my children for the joy and meaning they bring to my days and to my life. I am grateful for the lessons they teach me and for the laughter that surrounds them. I am so grateful that they are better people than I- and that they try so hard to make good decisions and help others. I am so lucky to be a mom! I am SO LUCKY to be THEIR mom!!!

1 comment:

The Jatens said...

Wow, they are getting so big! What beautiful girls you have. I love seeing new photos of your family. It's fun that we are having babies around the same time and they are both girls! Wish we lived closer so the kids could play together. :-) Miss ya.