Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My boy is 4 years old!!!!

I can't believe my boy is 4 years old- but he is and has been for a few weeks now. He is smart and funny and such a good brother! I am so proud of the little man that he is and that he is becoming. He has had so many fun adventures this past year- a 2 week trip full of family and fun out in Utah with his father, new cousins (Anthony, Talon, Judah and Ian) moving into town close by and a new baby brother to play with! He has been taking Karate classes for the past few months and although he was super tired tonight and wanted to go home he has been doing really well. He got his uniform tonight and looked so darling- all of the ladies thought so- not just his Mommy! Gabriel loves to play with friends and his cousins, he loves string cheese and apples, he loves to play outside and is a little afraid of riding the 4- wheeler that his daddy bought him. Gabriel is a fun brother and is always racing around after or snuggling with his sisters. He loves his baby brother Ammon and tries very hard to make him laugh and give him kisses without getting slobbered. Gabriel does not like to have sticky hands and loves to snuggle with his blankie. He says funny things all of the time and tells us we are 'FIRED' when we do not do what he wants fast enough. He is the light and laughter in our days and we are SO GLAD that he is ours!!!! Mommy loves you son!!!

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