Sunday, October 26, 2008

Family trip to Independence Mall!

Richard had last Friday off of Work, so we decided it was time for a family outing. The girls have been saving their allowance and have been dying to try and do a little Birthday/Christmas shopping. We drove to the Mall in Independence and spent the afternoon shopping, climbing on the toys at the play land, riding the Carousel eating. Gabriel was the least impressed with the shopping- (as you can see in picture with Rachel). The kids thought picking their own food from the food court was REALLY cool- Sarah got Subway, Gabe got a hot dog and french fries and the rest of us got Chinese. Rachie and I shared a plate and could not finish off what we had. Boy was it yummy though! Gabriel had the most fun riding on the toys at the play land and the girls had the most fun playing 'fashion show' as they shopped. I had the most fun eating the caramel apple that I bought at the Chocolate Factory and Rick had the least amount of fun on the Carousel with Gabriel. He got sick to his stomach... guess he is getting older! HA! HA! HA! Here are a few pictures from our day!


Selissa said...

I wanna go shopping with you! How fun! I miss you. Can't wait to see you!

Lukalock said...

woot! look at that stylish bag Rachel is holding!! I wonder what rockin aunt got that for her! ;)