Friday, October 31, 2008


So... it is finally Halloween and we all (kids & mom) end up with Strep throat. Definitely NOT the plan!!! We spent a good part of the day at the doctors office and picking up prescriptions, then we spent a good part of the afternoon napping. The kids were really sad that mean old 'MOMMY' would not let them go trick or treating. 'Mommy' felt bad so we decided to have a Halloween party here at the house. We ordered pizza and bought pop. We watched 'Iron man' and our wonderful neighbors brought over bags of treats for the kids. The kids got dressed up in their costumes and went trick or treating down the hallway. It was not quite the same as getting to go trick or treating in town- and there was not as much variety to the treats- but it ended up being a really fun night after all. In fact- the kids are in watching 'Sleepy Hollow' and 'Mr.Blackbeard's Ghost' right now. We hope you all had a very SpOoKy Halloween and made yourselves sick to death on your favorite treat!

1 comment:

Linda said...

What a clever mom you are to have your kids trick-or-treat down the hall! I'm impressed that you turned a Halloween lemon into lemonade. Way to go.
Love, Linda

PS The kid's costumes are darling!